Friday, December 14, 2007

Santa's here, late bastard.

A little trip back in time, just in time. For those of you that dare, there's a recompiled version of the TabBrowse extension for, now working with the current 2.3.0 branch! You can fetch it here (Unix version only right now, sorry). That's the same thing that came out as a product of my SoC05 endeavour with OO.o, but compiled against the current 2.3.0 office. It won't blow your mind, but hey, more is on the way!

As to face detection - running the training on an extensive set of examples and features turned out to be more time consuming then expected. Selecting the first! feature takes a brief 24h :-) hopefully the training will conclude this year...

My masters thesis is still blank, but stuff's starting to clarify in my head as work on the code advances (and it does).


Maxxer said...


Are you talking about the face detect for f-spot?
people on the list wonder how is it going... :-)

apart said...

Yup, it's going reaaaly slow... I was running the training on windows and it stopped a couple of times, now I restarted the process on linux, so maybe a couple of more days and it will show some results. Anyway it's not dead, fear not :)

Maxxer said...

Let us know!!!

Have fun!