Wednesday, July 30, 2008

iPhoto '08 compatibility

You asked for it!iPhoto '08 showing photos exported from F-Spot.
For those who want to check this out and have problems - visit #f-spot.

Monday, July 28, 2008

DPAP photo sharing in f-spot

Today I have commited the initial code of the mono addin utilizing the dpap-sharp library I'm working on during this year's GSoC.
It's finally in a state where I can post a screenshot to show how the shared photos from f-spot show up in iPhoto (currently only up to 5.0 - newer version are not supported yet), so here is...

F-Spot running side to side with iPhoto. iPhoto displaying pictures shared by F-Spot.

Monday, February 18, 2008


Just finished a little dirty hack to make gnome-randr-applet more useful. It's now possible to turn outputs on and off as with xrandr --output XXX --auto and xrandr --output XXX --off with a single click. I find it very handy. Screenshot below.

The patch is for version 0.4.1 of grandr, which is available from the author